Categories Relationships

When you leave.

When you leave, please don’t come back. I might accept you again, which will be the easiest part than to keep my feelings. When you leave, please don’t say hello anymore. I might say hi and never want to stop our conversation until I can’t no longer hold the ‘iloveyou’ Continue Reading

Categories Adulting

Patiently loving.

I have finally learned that loving have to be patient in everything, Because when I started to finally love you, we already have our entire life to spend with. I have finally learned to expect nothing from what I have given to you. I have learned that while loving you, Continue Reading

Categories Contribution

Your grand daughter.

I don’t know what kind of pain is this, I just know that it caused me to ache for nothing at all. This feeling I will never know how long will last… Maybe for the rest of my life. You are not the man whom I leave for my dreams Continue Reading

Categories Relationships

Try for your man, in the past.

Man, for your image to the next girl you will truely love. I am keeping this secret of mine hoping she will be the reason of keeping your promises which you never do to me. I will try to stitch every wound and not any blood bleed. I will try Continue Reading