To The Other Woman (I forgive you)

To the woman who persisted despite knowing that she is the other woman, I forgive you.

You will never know the nightmares I  crept my way through. Nor will you know the writhing pain that kept me awake at night. You will never know how much tears welled up from my bloodshot eyes.

There were times I’d wake up at three in the morning grasping for breath, sobbing, drenched in tears and exhaustion.

But I have seen God’s grace amidst all of these infidelity circus. I’ve seen how faithful He is. And I’ve seen, that he is really a supporter of families. And yes, He binds the broken hearted. Because of what you did, I have learned what it means to decide to forgive. Because of what you did, I have learned what it means to forgive someone underserving.

Forgiveness does not change the past. Nor it justifies what you did.

But today, I decide to forgive you. Not because you deserve it but because I deserve peace.

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