Your Existence Alone

Dearest Y,

I sincerely apologize for my five years of infatuation and persistency that made you uncomfortable. You might not know this but your existence alone played a big part of where and who I am now, thank you so much for that. You and your achievements were my motivation to find a good job opportunity here in Metro Manila. With that job, I am blessed to be part of well-structured company and blessed with a healthy work environment that are making me grow as a good professional. The idea of you pushed me to become a better man, I know that I am better now than I ever was but still you’re way out of my reach. I am aware that I totally messed up and it’s hard to change the first impression you have on me. I learned from you that people can still be happy even when they’re lonely.  I realize that this infatuation I have on you is not healthy anymore and I’ll keep moving forward now. I am happy right now and I also wish you all the happiness you deserve, take care always!



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