Not Even…Until…

Not even the most painful moments

Could ever put me to write.
Not even the happiest and most silent hours
Could ever make my thoughts align.
I was barren with words that used to conceive
The biggest ideas of how to stitch them
To make a tapestry of poems.
I was blinded by fear and hurt
That I couldn’t help but let tears speak on my behalf,
But never my paper.
I lost the art of writing and the tranquil of bleeding in pages.
Not even hate nor love could have translated into verses the cries of my heart.
I was limping, struggling to finish a poetry
Forming as I stare back at my walls.
I have nothing to build a body for the titles that sings inside my head as I drown myself to shower.
I was half a heart, half a sky,
Without my words…
Unable to express strong emotions that’re consuming my weary soul.
Not even the most painful moments
Could ever put me to write.
Not even the happiest and most silent hours
Could ever make my thoughts align.
There was a
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