To my childhood bestfriend..

My childhood sweetheart
The kid who always plays with me
The kid who says I should stop crying because my mother spanked me for doing something crazy.
The kid who rides the bike with me
The kid who was with me during daycare days, elem
days, and even high school days…
The boy who buys me “pads” because of my red days
We were apart in college…


The guy who says I should be partnered with him in my cotillion dance (my 18th birthday) because he has “pasmado hands” and is shy with the other girls..
The guy who lets me know his girlfriend’s

and now,

To the man who’s ready for a new chapter in his life,
The man who is responsible enough to man up
The man who’s faithful to God…

To my first love..
I know you might not know,
but yeah, to you, my first love.
Maybe it’s a shock, or maybe not,
Thank you for the experience of being close to you.
To be part of your life.
I didn’t tell you about this before.
Because I’m scared of ruining our friendship.
And I know that it is God’s will not to tell you.

Congratulations on your wedding day!

I’m overjoyed that you’ve found happiness.
May you continue to grow in love with the Lord as you enter into the new chapter of your life!

I will forever be grateful to be your friend, your childhood friend.

Best wishes to the both of you!

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