Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official position of Boiling Waters PH.
Today I will finally start getting over you,
I was so blinded of all the butterflies I felt before and the idea of helping you get through your demons, I thought I can and I thought you will. I’m so amazed by the happiness I felt whenever you’re around, and I was astonished by the things you made me feel, because you’re the first person I let to make me feel like that, my bad, I let you.
Because you really made me feel,
I don’t know if it’s because of the first times,
I really did experience so much first with you, when I shouldn’t had to have it with you.
first ultimate crush,
first slow dance partner,
first prom date,
But today I’m really doing it this time,
I’ll stop thinking about you,
I’ll stop thinking about the possibilities,
I’ll stop wanting you,
I’ll stop caring,
I’ll stop calling you sweet names when we shouldn’t be doing that,
I’ll stop everything,
and I’ll stop myself to have more of you and have all the love I could possibly give to myself.