I just dont know how everything went through…
I used to spend time to the man I thought was the one.
We started having dates, and good conversations..
Then eventually, I allow you to enter my fragile heart having assumptions that I can handle this now no matter what will bring it to me..Then time has just stopped…
You used to be the man who notice every little thing of me..the way I walk , the way I talk ,you even remembers every little thing I say..
I get confused on you because you says nothing if that is courting or not , you does maybe..I just go with the flow without surely knowing what’s going on between us because that time , all I know was I am enjoying your company ,I laugh on your own joke, I found myself happy everytime we’re together, every moment we spend, every conversations we have..eventually those doubtful things became our routine..The stranger I thought before became a friend.. As time goes by it feels like I’m falling to the man I’ve waited for a long time…For just few months, I already had the feeling of ” I think I found The One”…
I was surprised when I received a small dreamt of gift from you on my birthday…I appreciate how you made it ..its not the gift that matters to me but the way I received it from you…Then I reminded myself again not to assume though Im falling already..Actually as a girl this would not be “assuming” because you showed actions that every girl would think you like her or maybe this is a way of courting…
I was surprised again when you asked me to go to church of Manaoag, you know how I wanted you to come to church with you…The long drive was very unpredictable but all i know that time I was so happy…
But ALL OF SUDDEN…..without warning….
“Just 1 day passed after our last happy moment..”bigla ka ng hindi nagparamdam”😥
I tried to reach you and asked what happened?
But you just replied a short message saying your thanking me for all the time we spent…I just don’t know what’s wrong with me..I may not get the exact answer from you…but if you would ask me right now…I still hoping ang praying that One day we’ will cross our path again and you will come back to me…No regrets…I am in so much pain right now but I am very thankful because for just a short period of time, you left me good memories to be remembered..a good memories I never had on my past relationship..Thank you for all the practical lessons in life…Thank you and I miss you…
I thought I found the One…