I Lost You
Categories Move On

I Lost You

You were one of the few things

I know I’m bound to lose

You were like the first sip of coffee

I know will run out as I go on

But I drink anyway

Because I love how it tastes like

How every drop feels like life

Or how its scent wakes me up

Or how its warmth lasts in my stomach for hours

But it didn’t wake me up from the reality

That I didn’t have you

That what we have is just a dream

A fiction well curated for the dreamer that’s within me

What if

The numerous what ifs I’ve asked

Could’ve outweighed the times I should’ve asked it while studying

Imagining scene after scene

of what’s going to happen

If it’s about to end

or If it’s bound to continue

I felt like Dr. Stranger

Meditating on the possibilities of a soon to fail love

The only difference is

I found no escape to an ending

We were bound to break

I know that from the start

But could you blame me?

if I told you that

you looked so much like love

and felt so much like home,

that my heart sped up a bit,

my lungs struggled for more air,

my feet were unable to move forward

and my soul can’t even resist?

You were one of the few things,

I know I’m bound to lose.

I didn’t want to.

But still

I lost you.