To My Dearest Paul,
You know that I have been praying for a man whom I can spend the rest of my life with.
A man who is responsible and loves the ministry in the same way that I am. In this way, we both can joyfully serve together.
A man who has standards that we can lean on in times of uncertainties.
A man who will lead me to be more faithful to God and to His ministry.
A man who is a leader and a man who honors his words.
From then on I started praying and hoping that He would give the desires of my heart. I know I have faith and I do believe in my heart that He will answer my prayers.
While on the process of praying and waiting, I asked God to train and equip me in His work. In my heart, I had whispered that hopefully, our paths would cross while in His ministry. I wanted us to be in the same path. I tried to study everything because one day, I want to be a help to you. I may not be really good but for God and for you, I will do my best to be the supportive wife that you are praying for.
These things I will promise. I will promise to love you and to take care of you. I will understand all your shortcomings and I will stay by your side whatever it takes. I will give my 100% support to you.
I will be your musician though not a singer.
I will be your secretary, treasurer, and your constant reminder.
I will study your language so we can talk and express our love more.
I promise that I will help you in building the family that you’ve always prayed for. Together we will serve God and we will go to the places He wants us to be.
We will spread the Gospel to your fellow countrymen. We will help pastor in his vision of turning this place upside down.
I will love your family, your church, your friends in the same way as you love them.
I am asking for these things in return.
Please have patient on me for the things that I fail to do. I am still in the process of maturing. I might not even be the girl that you imagined. But I am confident that in the Lord, you can be proud of me.
I tend to talk a lot. I am sure I can hurt you for being tactless and blatant in words.
I have a hard time budgeting because I am not used to it.
I can judge others easily.
I am not very good in cleaning nor washing clothes and dishes.
I easily get hurt and even have the habit of scratching my wounds.
I know I have been a Christian for quite sometime. However, there are still times when I have a hard time letting go of people’s mistakes towards me. I have witnessed how forgiving you are. I hope that you will help me overcome it by God’s grace.
I am not as sweet as you think. I could hardly say “I Love You” nor “I Miss You.” But be assured that I do love you because God has given you to be my soul partner.
Though we knew that there are lots of trials and sufferings along our way, together we will face them. There is nothing we cannot overcome if we go through it with the Lord. We will walk together on the path that He prepares for us till death breaks as apart.
My love, my heart delights that I can now call you “my husband” and I am your wife. God is amazing! I am forever grateful for He has answered my prayers. Indeed, if we seek and delight ourselves in Him, He then gives the desires of our hearts.
I love you and I promise to love you as the days go by!
Your Gift,
Leoniza A. Untalan
Story Credit: Leoniza Untalan
Photo Credit: Leoniza Untalan
Bakcground: Aiza and Paul were married last June 2019. Aiza is a Filipina and Paul is a Vietnamese.