There are people who only remember you when you shine or when you fade away. Not the average you. Not the mediocre you. But the great you or the not-so-great you.
The ones who are worthiest of your affection are not those who just notice you at your best and worst but those who see you at all times.
They don’t need a reason to love you or to ask you how are you doing. They aren’t looking for a reason to share their joy with you. They don’t require any further explanation. They offer it to you without your asking. They look for the best in you before they look for the bad. They always tell you when you’re wrong simply because they’ve allowed their happiness to be linked to yours. So, just to make sure you don’t miss those people, keep your eyes open. When you’ve found them, don’t let them go because they’re family members, not just friends. They’re lifelong friends.