I wish I could forget the way your eyes see beyond
The mistakes I thought were harmless
You taught me to see the wrong in my actions.
You taught me to be courageous
I wish I could forget your smell in the morning when I wake up.
The whiff of your scent when you hold me tighter.
You smell of laundry and comfort.
I felt like my home was with you.
I wish I could forget your soft skin, your hands, and your warm body.
With you was a safe place.
With you was ecstasy
With you, I am in paradise.
I wish I could forget the sound of your voice
The way you pronounce my name.
The way you took pride when we’re together
The way your sweet words calmed my soul.
I wish I could forget you.
I really do
But every time you cross my mind,
I thought about how the future would’ve turned out if I was a better person. If I was a better lover, Would you have left me too?
I know you found the person who cherishes you
It just hurts so much because I can’t be in a special place in your heart
I will never will.
It was a pointless promise but I blamed myself for this pain
I hoped and broke.
I will pour my tears, my heart, and my soul one last time
A time will come when I can forget
Not you, but what we were and what we could have been
But I can never truly forget you.
You are my first love.
I will forever be grateful for keeping me, for loving me, for cheering me.
I will never forget you
But I hope my hypothalamus will forget how much I loved you.