All of us had our fair share of pain, disappointments, heart breaks, failure, losses and struggles on our journey. I know that none of those things I mentioned gave us a good time right? Experiencing those eventually results to breakdowns, tears and we end up getting lost; if possible, maybe most of us want’s to have a good, steady journey without having encountered such to make it worth while and fun.But what if I told you that our greatest disappointments often leads us to our greatest assignment, that it sets us up for greater things and it brings us closer to our destiny. Life is not always about victories and success, but sometimes life is more of the pain, the heartbreaks, the failure, the setbacks and the disappointments. Yet life is still beautiful, it’s exciting right? Because we know that at the end of it all comes the harvest, those things that we experienced are seeds that we buried and made us who we are right now. Your failures and your weaknesses are never fatal, they are pivotal and essential. The pressure we will carry towards our journey will try to weigh us down, it will try burry us. If the pressure, pain, setbacks are ponting down on you then don’t look down. That’s always been the pattern of this world that when we’re crushed to smitherens and in pieces our immediate response is to look down, get anxious, get worn out and distracted. But, our response should always be to point back towards our Father, towards our Maker, towards our God because the battle is His from the very start, the revenge is His and above everything else the battle has already been won. As we are pointing back to the Heavens what we need to do is to stay silent, be still and know that He is God.As a person one of the things we hate the most is the state where we are vulnerable and fragile. But if we look at the life of the Disciples and people that God used in the Bible you’ll see all of them are in state of disarray, they are incapable and are fragile. But God used those vulnerabilties and inacapabalities they have to show His power and strength. I know that most of us are tired and weary but remember that you are not alone in your journey. Rest but don’t quit, God’s not done with you yet. The reward is always greater than the suffering we currently have at hand so let’s respect pur journey and stay in contention until you reach the finish line, after all God placed the best things in life on the other side of our greatest test and setbacks in life. So keep pushing, keep going, never settle, never quit for He who began a good work in you will carry it to completion.
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Set backs to set-up

Set backs to set-up
By John Michael