Many countries around the world suffering from Covid-19 pandemic has gained a negative sort of outcome in their economic status. And due to lack-down, people staying at home are suffering from depression . With the preventive precautions many countries and industries created a new norm. It takes one pandemic to change the whole wide world.
But wait,
technically it’s not the whole wide world. While some countries struggling to flatten the curve, and coping up for the new norm, there are still 12 countries in world that are COVID-19 free.
One of these is Micronesia , located in the pacific region and possesses magnificent nature landscapes.
I, as a fortunate resident of this country, living without frightening from the virus. Let me share to you for what it takes to live a Covid-19 free country.
While most distinct tourist destination are empty now a days, yet here we are. We still have clear and brightest sky. People here are still going for a walk or jogging on evening, also still many families are having their dinner at the Coastway.

We can still enjoy nature and waterfalls especially this summer, and it just few minutes drive from the town.

We still have a beautiful Atoll and Islands. And the government did not restricted anyone for island tourist. So basically, we can still enjoy white sand beaches.

Black Coral. Underneath the islands are entire corals, the small water passage beneath the two island are seawater going outside the reef and normally with high current. The blue part and outside of the reef is the PACIFIC OCEAN.
We can get closed to each other. We can still eat together like Filipino traditional way. ( boodle fight)

We can do anything extra-ordinary like hiking, swimming, and kayaking then explore places with no jurisdiction.

We can still get together overnight at the Island with bonfire , and enjoy the sun in the morning; have a boodle fight at our lunch and time to enjoy the perfect scenery of white sand.

After the pandemic arises, Micronesia follows other countries to closed their borders to prevent the infection.Being isolated country is not a new norm for its residents.We used not to have shopping malls, no concert halls,no high rise building, no branded fast food chains, no night clubs, no expensive brands, and least number of tourist. But no scarce of food supply or anything.
The things that only changed due to pandemic are the borders , no face to face classes and the preventive task force for any possibility ; the rest are almost normal.
And this is Pohnpei, Micronesia
-Hansy Payootsy