I Just Have to Give It Time
Categories Move On

I Just Have to Give It Time

It’s that time of the night

It’s that time of the night where emotions are kicking in and sleepiness is still far from coming

It’s that time of the night where sadness is the only feeling even if you’re trying to turn on all your senses

It’s that time of the night that is very frustrating because you need to deal with the process of moving on and you have to do it alone

The earth still revolves around, I’m not the center of the universe

The earth still revolves around, nobody gives a fuck about what I’m feeling

The earth still revolves around, people also deal with their own tears

The earth still revolves around and here I am weeping

In this pain, I desire for her

In this pain, I long for her

In this pain, the antidote is her

But in this pain the antidote is a pain multiplier

Give it a shot but what will happen?

Give it a shot but what good can I expect?

Give it a shot, can you please be more gentle?

Give it a shot, under this pain I want to give it another shot

This is the process, I need to be patient

This is the process, I need to have faith

Sadness is not permanent, I will soon go out

This is the process, I just have to give it time