Some are dying to speak
but do not literally have the voice.
Others, have the voice
yet choose silence and peace.

Some would cut your
throat to love them.
Others do not expect anything
in return yet set you free.

Some would betray who they are,
just to get someones loyalty.
Others would betray someone else,
just to find themselves… again.

Some would love you through
words and their actions…
Others can only do through
words and barely or no action.

Some would give you the world
just so you would love them.
Others give you their heart,
soul and body simply
because you have become
part of their universe.

Some would only do you right…
after you have left them.
Others would do you right…
because they respect and

value your integrity.

Some would only love your hand
because of what you give them.
Others would love your heart,
because of how much love

overflows through you.

And then there are those…
the ones that know exactly
when to reflect back the
sincere love you only have

for them.

 reflections • life • love • poetry   
📷 cottonbro from Pexels