Sunshine & Rain
Categories Adulting

Sunshine & Rain

Dear You,

When the sun shines everything blooms around you. The garden explodes with vibrant colours all around. Its rays of light gives life to our world. But just like the garden, we can’t just bloom with only sunshine. We all need a little rain to get by. You cannot fully appreciate the warmness of sunshine without experiencing the coolness of rain. A little of everything makes life beautiful.

I know it’s hard to stay strong during your weakest moments. I believe you’ve grown tired as you fight for life. But I know you are brave. You are brave enough to face these challenges meant for you. It may be hard but with the sufficient grace being provided, you will overcome. Live life and enjoy every bit of it. Bitter or sweet, these are yours to cherish. It is part of who you are. Embrace it as you face your daily dose of sunshine and rain. Life is beautiful if you know how to spend it wisely. 🙂



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