Today, I looked at you and I saw nothing but flaws – I have forgotten how to accept the beauty that you are.
I focused too much on that saggy skin, those zits threatening to pop out, that unruly hair, that more-than-average body frame you have, and so much more.
Today I looked at you and I was unkind. I saw the imperfect you and judged you harshly – I did not want anything to do with you.
Comments from the outside did not help either – “You would look even more beautiful if you were thinner” plagued my mind today and I gave it the power to affect how I looked at you.
I believed it. I believed them. I listened to the noise of this world.
My love, please forgive me for being too harsh on you today, and if I couldn’t love you the way you deserved to be loved.
I promise to do better.
I am now reminded that we are loved no matter what we look like and that His love knows no color, body shape, or appearance. His is the love that’s universal and we are loved because we are His children.
I am once again reminded that you are loved because you are His daughter.
My love, I pray that you’d be patient with me as I realign my focus and fix my outlook. For now, I will surrender you to Him and let Him love you the way you deserve to be loved.
For now, may you always listen to His voice saying, “This is My beloved child, with whom I am well pleased.”
It’s a long way to love but I’ll get there – we’ll get there. Eventually.