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Always a Good Friend. Nothing more. Nothing Less.

Always a Good Friend. Nothing more. Nothing Less.
Categories Adulting

Always a Good Friend. Nothing more. Nothing Less.

Have you ever experienced that people are happy that you are around?

You are always there as long as they need you. You always make yourself available whenever they ask you. You tend to say no because you do not want to offend someone. But the question is? Have you ever thought about your own feelings? What about you? Is this what you want or not? So many questions in your head but you cannot find the answer. This is because you are afraid of the truth that they only need you because they are not okay and needed someone. You’re hoping that maybe one day they will see you as someone who are not only a friend but more than that. People will never know what they had once it is gone. Would you stay or would you run away?

If you feel neglected learn to distance yourself. But if it’s something that makes you happy, go ahead and stay. Just assess what is your feelings so that you know what to do. It will never easy, but it will calm your mind and heart. People will get used to it if you’re always available, they will not think anything else. You will always be the good friend nothing more and nothing less. Unless you will be brave to ask question for clear mindset. Be ready with your decision. Choose the best for you and for others as well. You may not find the answer yet, just keep praying and ask for the guidance from God. He will help and direct you it is best for you. If it is not he will take it away from you.