“If we are not from the same world, I will find you, My Soo.” -Wang So, Scarlet Heart Ryeo
Kdrama? Nah… but he said call me Oppa!
When we first met, I didn’t bother talking to him. He was just that one weird guy wearing glasses, who’s studying English in the company I’m working with. I was always tagged along to eat out and travel with the common friends that we have. We went to eat in a Filipino restaurant where he really liked the buttered-chicken and pancit. Ordered in a fastfood restaurant where he savoured the icecream sundae and crispy fried chicken. We even hired a cab just to go to the popular cafe on top of a hill. We made it to wait a long queue just to try the best grilled lomo ribs in one of the famous diners. The gallivanting moments in a haunted house, sightseeing the mines, zipline adventure, and swimming in a white sand beach when he joined the youth fellowship in my church.
Those times with our circle of friends, I knew him just a little. We had small talks and he always teased me like a man. He didn’t hesitate to whack my head with a roll of hard paper (wow, such a gentleman 🙄). We played arm wrestling and he didn’t think twice to bang my arm on the table (so cocky🤨). He said, “give me a hand shake” and gripped my hand so tight just to appear stronger (what a show-off 😤). Just walking pass the hallway, he followed softly behind and suprisingly slapped my arm (sweet guy, right? 😒). Despite these mean things he did to me (no hard feelings, I’m a good sport 😄), I thought of him as a good friend. (Trust me. He’s friendly, kind and generous. He’s just fond of bullying me😠). However, time swiftly passed and he went back to his home country. We never had communication since then.
Three years went by so fast and we suddenly reconciled. One day we started talking again. I didn’t expect to know more about him, little by little. We talked for hours, for days, for weeks, for months, and about a year now. He showed me his mature side. I thought that he’s all childish but found out that he’s a good listener. He always ask about my day and cheer me up that I did well today. He reminds me that I’m simply beautiful the way I am. He’s there when I needed him most. He’s understanding, and he’s still funny as ever. He made plans with me that when the time comes, I will go to him and he will introduce me to his friends, take me to beautiful places, buy me good food and treat me well. With a daily dose of a long conversation with him makes me feel warm and happy. Never did I think that he would make me feel like this (oppa, are we in a Kdrama?🤔).
We’re both like living in two different worlds. We wanted to see each other but we can’t. He planned to surprise me, and didn’t know that he booked his flight just to come to me (Gu Jun Pyo, is that you?🤭💕). Sadly, he needed to cancel since international flights were banned because of the pandemic. He was dissapointed having failed to see me. We suddenly became dull and our late night talks slowly came to an end. Our chatbox became silent for few months💔. I felt sad but I didn’t want to force the time or the situation so I didn’t dare to leave him another message. Maybe we both needed some time to figure things out.
In a cold night, we started talking again. He told me that he was upset of not getting the chance to see me again and he kept missing me everytime we talk. He felt stuck and hopeless in this kind of situation. He wanted some progress and even proposed to buy me a flight ticket just so I can go to him instantly but, I declined coz’ I wanted to save and use my own money to buy that flight ticket in order to see him again. Besides, my company doesn’t allow me to travel to another country yet or else I’ll be terminated from my job (same case for him). We are in a mutual stage but we haven’t actually talked about “us” or “where is this going?”. Thou, we both promised to meet again soon when the pandemic is finally over. And maybe try to work things out.

~to be continued~
P.S Everything will be okay soon, better days are coming. Look forward to that. Spread the love and positivity. Keep safe and stay healthy everyone!💕