It is a “YES” soon…


Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official position of Boiling Waters PH.

I surely love the days,
When my thoughts and heart collides,
I envisioned a life in him,
I dreamed a company of a lifetime,

You are all I ever wanted,
My heart shouts your name,
Your face is always in my mind,
Hello forever, I finally perceived you.

Yes, I am married,
I dethroned this crown of life,
I announced you as my husband,
And now, I am living this life for one.

How well is your plan?
How good you are?
Tell me, what makes you care enough?
Why O’ Why, You love me that much.

I can only see darkness,
I can only touch shaggy,
I can only smell icky,
All I know, I don’t know.

I desired for a flower and you gave me a bouquet,
I liked for perfection and you insisted contentment,
I loved a man and you directed me in a friend,
I declared a war and you embraced me with your peace,

I’ve waited for this day,
I’ve prayed for this moment,
But when your will is not what I desire,
Is my heart still abide in you, my God.

If I say “No’ this time,
I am breaking my Father’s heart,
Then I will plea, “Do Wait”
Wait. Til’ the day I finally say “YES”

Yes for the Giver and not for the gift,
Yes for a Father but not for the friend,
Yes for my Master,
It is a YES.

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