Thank you for breaking me, because in this way I have realised my worth.
Thank you for breaking me, because you have taught me how to love earnestly, even if this hurts me like hell.
Thank you for breaking me, because I have learned how to forgive myself.
Thank you for breaking me, because you have given me a chance to be the best version of myself.
Thank you for breaking me, because I have learned to love and prioritize myself before anyone else.
Thank you for breaking me, because you have taught me how to face every battle independently.
Thank you for breaking me, because I have become much more stronger than I used to be.
Thank you for breaking me, because you have given me a chance to entrust myself again to the One who never fail me.
Thank you for breaking me, because I have experienced to walk into the darkness and eventually, found the light that will direct my feet to the right path of life.
Thank you for breaking me, because you have let me experience to live my life in His fullness.
Thank you for breaking me, as this is the moment that I have experience His everlasting love and grace.
Thank you for breaking me, as my life has been restored and God made me whole again.