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You were the stranger I never knew.

You were the stranger I got acquainted with.

You were the stranger I fell in love with.

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You were the stranger I cried on.

You were the stranger I kept on longing for; hoping it was me.

But nonetheless, you made me even stronger. You made me realize that I should not fall into the sweet words of the unknown. The actions of a treacherous person, and the deeds of misery that you made.

But nonetheless, you made me realize that sometimes love is not just something to get celebrated whenever you feel — it is something to battle with. Love is not just a feeling, but a matter of choice if you are going to flourish it. But you stop it in just a snap and lied.

But nonetheless, you made me aware of who I am. That I am stronger than ever, and that I am an indestructible woman. Yes, I have been shattered (destroyed perhaps) but I am still breathing. I am who I was made of, and I am proud of it. I remembered the days where I was at my lowest and used it to go forward from your memory. It is hard to get back on foot, but here I am getting back.

But nonetheless, I was the girl who fell into your sweet words. Was it worth it? It was as I was knowing you as a whole by discovering every corners of your life. It is beautiful and sad at the same time that I told you, “This too shall pass”. And I admire your braveness for overcoming it. But in the long run, it was fate who decided to stop all of this madness. Yes, madness indeed. For I can feel that this is something bad, and that it showed later on. I guess there is no smoke that can keep and that it will not spread. I was scared, and that shouldn’t be like that. But nonetheless, you made me realize that you were not the answered prayer I kept on whispering to God. I thought you were, but are not. I wish you were then God showed me the opposite. You left my heart hanging.

Truly, I have loved you just the way you are. I don’t know if I can forgive you right now. What matter’s the most is that I know how to step forward. I know how to fight off those people like you who showed me something I could hope for. There is always some room for growth. There is always some room for improvements. And there is what we call, “Love yourself even more”. I know you are in doubt, but maturity is the key of it. We both lack those. I hope we grow from our own shells and be brightened up that whatever that is currently laid in our eyes are just all to satisfy your fantasies.

To the stranger, I hope you’ll realized your mistakes. Now, you might ask me what’s mine? That is knowing you and falling into your pit of lies in form of sweet words. Was it all true?


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