Most of people wish and long for it. They want it because they want to move on from the hurt of the past, scars of broken promises and the agony of waiting.
Some people are afraid of it…Maybe because they don’t want to face the reality that they are really not meant for each other. They maybe want to have the word MARTYR – attached to their name, a modern FLORANTE or LAURA of this generation, all for the sake of LOVE. Or maybe because they just don’t want to move on with the DRAMA it brings….
I have been hurt and dead because of love. I may have been a fool and martyr in the past because of it. I sought for closure before because I wanted to break free from pain but I was never afraid of it. I have learned that CLOSURE, may not be the end of every relationship yet a beautiful beginning.
CLOSURE from the paranoia that lead to insecurities…
CLOSURE from issues that set both of you apart
CLOSURE from the mistakes have done,
CLOSURE can be forgiving the one you love from the cracks of a broken heart.
CLOSURE from the past to start anew.
Not all CLOSURE means breaking up and ending a relationship…
Sometimes CLOSURE means free from questions you’re longing to ask and gettin’ the answers you deserve
It is being free from paranoias and insecurities then making yourselves more secure from each other’s love
CLOSURE, sometimes, letting go of the baggages. Closing the hurt, pain and bad things of the past and looking forward for a beautiful tomorrow with the one you love.