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Dear Future Husband, My Purity Is Yours

Dear Future Husband, My Purity Is Yours
Categories Waiting

Dear Future Husband, My Purity Is Yours

“No amount of money can beat the value of my physical purity”- Mangubat, Babylyn R. 2019

Dear future husband, my closest friends have already read one of my secret letters for you, but this time you’re reading an open letter. In my previous secret letter entitled “I thought I am your answered prayer” I have shared my recent heartbreak. Honey! let me clarify it “HEARTBREAK” not “BREAK UP” (hahahaha ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚don’t worry) the crown of “NBSB” is still mine. And you still have more chances of being my first and last.

In this letter you will discover how much I love surprises. You know why? because my God is a God with full of surprises. I love how it feels to be surprised (uuuuyyy!!! Hindi naman sa nagpaparinig ako sayo, pero parang ganun na nga bwahahaha๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜˜). Even though I love surprises, I can’t help but reveal to you my future wedding gift(okaaayyy!! !future Groom dapat sa part na to medyo na eexcite ka na!hahaha ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜˜). I believe that the GREATEST GIFT THAT I CAN OFFER TO YOU IS MY PURITY.

The purity of my heart and my body. I pray that God will never stop reminding me of His sacrifices on the cross that washed away all our sins and made us pure. I pray that His love, grace and forgiveness will remind me that I used to be worthless but NOW I AM PRECIOUS. So I must stand in the PURITY that I received from all of His sacrifices.

My prayer is that God will always speak to me especially when my mind can’t control my body. I pray that I can always overcome temptations. I pray that God is also helping you overcome all temptations in this world full of bad intentions. I pray that you will not based your identity of being a real “MAN” on the worldly standards. Because honey! I think a real man attracts women by reaching her heart not by touching her body. But honey, if you already failed to remain pure; it’s okay! Talk to God and repent your sin. Forgive yourself because you didn’t just sin to God but you also sin against your body.

I pray that in our future season of dating and courtship you will maturely open up to me this matter so I can pray for you( hahahaha๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ sana wag ka matakot sabihin sakin to! Honey! don’t worry hindi lang purity of your body ang sukatan ng love ko para sayo). But one thing is for sure, for now THE GREATEST GIFT THAT I CAN OFFER TO YOU IS MY PURITY. I love you ๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿ’•