Go and Grow

Cold eyes. Cold lines.
Missing the old times. Digesting all the butterflies, in my stomach.
Searching for roads leading to a way back. Flashback.
Reminiscing. Smiling. Like crazy I’m diving to the memories I’ve treasured, but is it meant to be forgotten?
Asking, hoping for an answer ‘coz it’s hard to just wonder.
Wander, as the blueskies turns to red; sunrise turns to sunset.
Is this really the end?
Maybe it’s a YES, it’s the end of few dreams and cue to go; but it’s also a NO, it’s not yet the end for dreaming, living; just a start of new beginning. It’s not a period but rather a comma, because we know life is like a drama.
Time flows. Pain goes.
Time heals. Life Grows.
Categorized as Move On

By marknight

Wabi - Sabi

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