Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official position of Boiling Waters PH.
Who wouldn’t forget the feeling of being in-love?
A foretaste of heaven
A pleasure from above
A pill to the lonely
A bed to the weary
With him months feel like hours
Hours feel like seconds
Without him moment’s sour
But with him you feel armed
For he is your weapon
And your shield and power.
But again, it’s just a foretaste
It’s not the real thing
It’ll never erase heart’s longing
For something great and satisfying
For it’s made to delight in the Supreme Being
The Blessed Trinity
His steadfast love is better than life
In His presence there is fullness of joy
And at his right hand are pleasures foreveremore
So, if you look not for the Living Water
The ultimate thirst-quencher
But choose to drink from Cupid
I think you’re stupid.