I was introduced to Boiling Waters by a friend of mine. I thought that this seems to be a good place to share my thoughts and feelings. I wrote this piece at 2 am wondering if people ever stay or are we all just passers-by…
When walking in a street, you brush shoulders with strangers
Sometimes, you look them in the eye
Sometimes, you avert their gaze
A smile, a nod, a bow, a brief hello, a goodbye
Maybe that’s just how life is,
People aren’t meant to stay
They’re just passing by
Hello, How are you? And then goodbye
Some people, catch your attention and then you start talking
Exchanging experiences, engaging in deep conversations
Confessions and laughters
You start learning each other’s quirks and weird ways
Some people, you wished they stayed
Bargaining for more time
More laughter, more random out of the blue questions
But life says, no, they’re just passing by
There were no regrets though
You were meant to laugh or cry together
You were meant to learn their taste of music and add it on spotify
You were meant to catch each other’s eyes
Oh how I wish, some of them stayed
But no, life says, they’re just passing by
So you look back at the memories, you smile, you wished they stayed,
And then you hope for their healing, their happiness and then once again, you say, goodbye.
Who’s to stay? That I do not know
Are people really just passersby?
I sure hope not all
Maybe tomorrow, in the future, I cannot tell? I really hope someone stays.