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When you are adulting and you are surrounded with your #relationshipgoals friends yet here you are road to #forevertita..
Been from the biggest and most painful heartbreak that I thought I’ll no longer let myself love again. I dont know about everyone else’s , but when you reach the ages of 20s and you just got yourself broken, you’ll realize that you can no longer afford another heartbreak. People may come knocking, your ideal guy might be already in front of you ,but then you let your guard up, you close the door and lock it up, afraid you might end up crying again. But you see, God wont let you settle in that phase of brokenness and pain. You went through the mountain weights and ocean tears for you to be stronger and appreciate the sweet life ahead of you. God is saying unto you during those sleepless nights or even right as you face these trials , “cry it all tonight, dont worry my beloved, I am working on it, you can thank me later” He is working on you right now, to be the best version of yourself, and the same as He’s working on your right one. So that when the two of you meet at the right time, there’s no more filling the cups, for God already filled those up. All of us, will be somehow and at some point , meet this greatest downfall but dont you worry , you are about to reach the top of the hill, you will be smiling again, there will be no more tears , no more pain. You may be experiencing heartbreaks over heartbreaks , but LOVE STILL, coz when the right time finally comes, you’ll experience the love you keep on giving away to anyone. Keep on trusting the Lord.