Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official position of Boiling Waters PH.
To the man who is patient enough.
I admire your patience.
I admire how you can control those emotions that are probably bursting inside you.
I know you are trying harder to handle and guard your heart.
You are being gentle.
You are doing your very best not to rush.
You are a suppressor.
There are really clear possibilities that might happen yet you chose not settle hurriedly–you chose to be patient.
For you knew that true love is patient, you chose to be in waiting.
You chose to grow in this season.
You chose to stay temporarily for you knew that it’s worth enduring for.
You chose preparation than temporary satisfaction.
You chose to be reserved.
You chose to be the real man.
So, Here’s to the man who is patient enough not to pursue me yet, you deserve all the good things.
Keep on waiting.
Keep enduring.
Keep preparing. ❣