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A thin line between SELF LOVE and being SELFISH

A thin line between SELF LOVE and being SELFISH
Categories Adulting

A thin line between SELF LOVE and being SELFISH

Self loving is when…

You want to be the better version of yourself.

Or tired and wants to rest physically and mentally.

Or maybe you are healing from the pain of the past.


If you are in this phase of your life. I am truly rooting for you and want the best for all of us. However, I just want to remind you that…

There’s a thin line between Self love and being selfish. In self loving your goal to be better not for anyone but for yours alone. But when you are loving yourself too much, you are more focused on the betterment of yourself. If unconsciously you may have some actions that can harm others. I think that’s when self love can become selfish. If you are not really ready yet to commit to others, say it, do it and mean it directly. Don’t give false hope to someone, even if in the first place you have said that you are not yet ready for the commitment and you are just in the process of self love. But when your actions says the opposite like:


You let her/him feel special

You always update her/him on your daily routine

You are taking her/his time

You continuously giving mixed signals

And so on..


Woman / man up if you are not yet ready for a commitment and want self love, do not let her/him fall in love with you! It’s always easy to say that at the moment you are just in the phase of loving yourself more, but it takes courage to be accountable in all your actions. Don’t make self love as an excuse for being selfish.