Maybe we need to grow Apart
Categories Friendship

Maybe we need to grow Apart

Day 188/365

I never thought you will be my safe place, my best buddy, my rant person, and my soulmate. From our 3 am-talks to different mission trips and ministries. We shared our hardest cries and loudest laugh. I couldn’t imagine my youth days without you. But I’ve been praying for this, I need to venture into new places and face uncertainties.

Maybe we need to grow apart and do our specific purpose. I know we have different paths, different prayers, aspirations, and hopes. But one thing I am sure, we have the same purpose: to glorify our Creator in our own little ways.

Maybe we need to grow apart and meet new people. I know both of us are sentimental when December comes, longing for someone to hold unto. Hence, coffee and music calm our worried hearts. I hope we can meet the “boy” version of each other.

Maybe we need to grow apart and appreciate the realities of life. Not all prayers are meant to be answered by a “YES” sometimes the answer is a painful “NO” and we need to continue living by faith.

Maybe we need to grow apart and reminisce the incredible memories we’ve been through, struggles that turn into testimonies, and fellowship that turns into friendship. Meeting you will remain nostalgic; our youth camps, prayer nights, worship nights, mission trips, and coffee dates.

And maybe we need to grow apart and face this new season of adulthood, but I know our prayers will still connect us.

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