Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official position of Boiling Waters PH.

Why is it hard to move on
Over someone you loved for so long?
It is because you loved this someone
More than you loved yourself
Because you loved this someone
More than anything else.
You gave everything that you have
And loved this someone
With all that you had.
You’ve settled your life to this person
You wanted your love to go on and on
This someone made you feel
All the things that you wanted to feel
Even the ones that you don’t want to
This person made you feel happy
You’ve enjoyed this person’s company
This person made you feel loved
And you’ve been taken cared of
This person made you feel sad
This person made you cry
This person made you feel bad
And even made you feel worthless for awhile
This person made you feel unloved
But most of the time
This person made you feel high
Like you are in the top of cloud nine.
Your relationship ran for so long
Thinking that nothing will go wrong
But when the plot twist arrived
And you’re trying hard to survive
It’s not enough that you have dived
You need to come out alive.
Why is it hard to move on
Over someone you loved for so long?
It is because you’ve invested so much
Time, effort, love and such
Invested so much that you have nothing left
And you can’t blame it to the person
And call that person a theft.
Does the Return Of Investment enough?
Or now you’re like a bank
That has been bankrupt?

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