I know I’m too much to handle at times.
I know I can also be too weak most of the times.
But will you be there during those times? Will you?
I understand that you’ve got your own life and dreams. I’d be the happiest person to see you living your life and reaching your dreams.
I know that you are not perfect and you’ll commit mistakes at times.
I’d be the first one to forgive you even before you ask for an apology.
I believe you’ll have to encounter roadbumps in life.
I’ll be there to ride the journey with you.
I realized that as human, you will fail at some point of your life. I’d love to learn and grow with you through seasons.
But please do understand that I also want to be part of your life and dreams. Please know that I’m also not perfect and can also commit mistakes at times. Please believe in me and help me make it when I feel like quitting the journey with you. Please do realize that I’m also a human that needs help to learn and to grow.
I know I can be too tough sometimes.
I know I’m too much to handle at times.
I know I can also be too weak most of the times.
But will you be there during those times? Will you?